Cathy Vine, MSW, RSW

Cathy Vine supports our team with her extensive experience in writing, research, and action projects focusing on advancing the well-being and rights of diverse groups. As a social worker, writer, and editor, Cathy has been working with Andre and Patty and Indigenous organizations and communities for well over 10 years.

Using her skills in project planning, writing, editing, and coaching, Cathy has helped develop and produce reports, guides, and websites like the Red Road Report, Building a Strong Fire: Indigenous Quality Assurance Standards in Ontario Colleges, Biigiiweyan Interprofessional Cultural Safety Training Model and Kikandaaswiwin Mookiisin STEAM Program.

Cathy also works as a consultant with the Mendicant Group in Toronto, and, along with co-editor Ramona Alaggia, is working with over 25 contributors from across Canada to complete the third edition of the book, Cruel but not Unusual: Violence in Families and Caring Relationships in Canada, due out in 2022.